Why didn't Frodo, as Ring Bearer, see the rings on the Ringwraiths?From: William M. Stolte Just a note from a Lord of the Rings junkie. I really enjoy your web page. This is the first time I have found you and I've added you to my favorites. Just one point of interest about your section on Rings. It concerns the section on who holds the Nine rings of the Ringwraiths. I want to preface this by saying that I believe Sauron holds the Nine. However, your section on this subject asks the question, "Why didn't Frodo, as Ring Bearer, see the rings on the Ringwraiths on Weathertop and at the Ford of Bruinen when he saw their swords, pale faces, their eyes, and the crowns?"..."Compare this to the fact that while in Lothlorien he was able to see Galadriel's ring, Nenya, upon her finger when Sam could not." This question is answered by Galadriel herself in the same section when Frodo says, "I would ask one thing before we go, a thing which I often meant to ask Gandalf in Rivendell. I am permitted to wear the One Ring: why cannot I see all the others and know the thoughts of those that wear them?"
This could prove that the Ringwraiths were wearing the Rings on Weathertop without Frodo detecting them, however, held against the other proofs, it still seems logical to me that Sauron holds the Nine. It is a minor detail, but since your sight is so thorough on all other points, I just thought I would mention it. Thanks again for your wonderful web sight. Spending time on your page tonight has prompted me to dig out my copies of the Trilogy and begin reading them again. Keep up the great work! Sincerely, Mary On this page you can find everything about the Rings of Power. This site is maintained and copyrighted (c) 1996-2002, by Cirdan. All rights reserved. Hosted by cro.net. |