What are Balrogs?From: Erik Tracy Balrogs are Maiar, or primeval spirits, that Morgoth, the Dark Lord of the First Age of Middle-earth, seduced to his service. They assumed a physical form while in Middle-earth that was powerful and dreadful to behold. The word Balrog means "Demon of Might" in Sindarin; the Quenyan form is Valarauko. The following quotes are from the Silmarillion:
"And in Utumno he gathered his demons about him, those spirits who first adhered to him in the days of his splendour, and became most like him in his corruption: their hearts were of fire, but they were cloaked in darkness, and terror went before them; they had whips of flame. Balrogs they were named in Middle-earth in later days." Fear of the Middle-earth, deamons of fire, servants of Melkor... Find out all about Balrogs on this page. This site is maintained and copyrighted (c) 1996-2002, by Cirdan. All rights reserved. Hosted by cro.net. |